Sunday, January 17, 2010


Getting games for Christmas is always fun, and a sure-fire hit in our family! As you can see by the following pictures, we LOVE Jenga!!!

Who knocked it down??? We don't know!!!! The table got bumped, and that was the end of the Jenga game, but fun was had by all!! (The players and the watchers)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Christmas Eve Pictures with Baby Elaine

On Christmas Eve, we had a wonderful dinner at Church, and took the opportunity to take pictures of Lydia, Drew, and our new baby cousin, little Elaine! O.K., Lydia, here comes Ella....
Here she is..... gently, gently.....

It's o.k., guys, just keep smilin'...... she'll be o.k........

Oh, good, she's calming down...... Drew!! Look at the camera!!!!

Great!!!! This one is close! We're getting there.......

And..... there it is!!! Three beautiful little angels! O.k., I know, I know, Drew is still not looking at the camera, but what can ya do?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Inaugural Flight

Grandpa Joe got Drew a plane with a small motor for Christmas. Here are the results of the first flight!!!

(And, as you can see, I got a flip video for Christmas!!! I LOVE it!!!)